Winter is the perfect time of year to take a class at the cabin.

Established 1995 (D’ Rose L.L.C.)

D’Rose Institute of Urevia and Subtle Energies Healing


Yummy homemade lunches served in every class! 

Making the World a Better Place

New Books and Blog Page: click tab above








Usui Reiki

The word Reiki means spiritually guided life-force energy.  It’s a hands-on healing modality used for deep relaxation, which promotes physical and spiritual healing reducing pain while improving wellbeing.  Anyone can learn Reiki and these classes are an excellent way to explore the healing and intuitive arts. NEXT Reiki I & II is March 15 & 16 or May 17 & 18, 2025; click Usui Reiki link for more dates. Reiki Advance is April 19, 2025. Reiki Master Practitioner is June 7 and Reiki Master Teacher is June 8, 2025.

Urevia® Classes & Other classes Registration Tab and Description.

Urevia is a healing program based on love and compassion.  The program provides training in health and wellness with a concentration on love, good-will, honor, spirituality, and emotional wisdom.  It’s a hands-on healing system that integrates health, healing, science, and spirituality. This program is for students that want to take a spiritual, metaphysical journey while expanding their practitioner skills, healing modalities, and services. Many take this program for personal growth as well as for the healing practitioner training. Current Cycle of Program dates:   Dec 7, 2024, March 8, April 5, May 3, June 28, July 26, Aug 23, Sept 20,Oct 18, and Nov 15, 2025.  CLICK THE UREVIA LINK FOR MORE INFO.

Karuna® Reiki

Karuna Reiki is an expansion of the Reiki system and has a total of nine healing rays.  This class empowers healing practitioners giving them several healing rays to use and channel.  Click link for more dates and different class levels. Next Karuna I & II is April 26 & 27, 2025 and Karuna Master Teacher is May 10, 2025


New Classes: Click Urevia Tab to register for these classes.

New Books & Blog Page!!!

The Urevia Integrated Health, Healing, & Spirituality Program starts a new cycle March 1st 2025 

COOKING CLASS! Sat. July 12th, 9:30-12:30, Lunch & Materials. 130.00 I am sharing my easy Artisan Bread, Scone, and Walnut-Strawberry Salad recipes. Each student takes home what he or she bakes.

Reiki I & II March 15 & 16, 9:30-3:00 Lunch and materials are provided.

Reiki Advance Practitioner April 19, 2025, 9:30-3:00. Lunch & materials provided. Reiki Master and Master Teacher June. 7 & 8, 2025.

Karuna Reiki I & II April 26 & 27, 2025. 9:30-3:00 Lunch & materials are provided.

FIRE Ceremony Class: Adding Ceremony to Life. June 21, 2025. 9:30-12:30. $120.00

Divine Love & Quiet Mind Meditation Class March 29, 2025, 9:30-12:30 Lunch & Materials are provided.  Mastering Stillness, Reducing Anxiety & Transforming Stress.

Don’t forget to check out the new Books & Blog page.

*** Click the Urevia Link to see all of the new classes offered in  2024 and 2025.

***One-on-One classes are also available during the week in person and by phone.  Call, email, or text if you want more information.

Healing & Spiritual Consulting Sessions are Available: call/text to schedule an appt: 269-838-4079

Happy Reminder: Offering distant healing sessions: combo of phone & astral travel healing energy work. Call or text to make an appt. Enjoy a healing and spiritual consulting session from the comfort of your home.

Classes are taught in a peaceful, beautiful, nature setting to facilitate healing and rejuvenation. *Pictures on this website are real pictures of the class environment. Here is a picture of the woodstove that brings warmth and beauty to the classroom during the cold season.

Learning in a retreat like setting, on a beautiful private lake, offering nourishment, peace, growth, education, and healing. Yummy lunches are provided along with a soothing class environment. In addition, peaceful individual healing sessions are available by appt.

D’ Rose serves S.W. Michigan and the surrounding areas. The expanded Urevia Integrated Health & Healing program has full board professional accreditation and certification through the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, ( The curriculum fully meets the accreditation board’s educational requirements and graduates are eligible to apply to be board certified holistic health practitioners.

I am dedicated to offering professional, quality education in integrative health, healing, energy medicine, alternative therapies, metaphysics, spirituality, personal development, and healing sciences with integrity.

I have 30 yrs. of experience providing healing sessions/energy medicine, teaching classes, and spiritual consulting.  I enjoy my work, and I am happy to share what I know.  Blessings, Dana

Schedule a Healing & Consultation session: text or call Dana @ 269-838-4079

Self-mastery is a skill, happiness is a skill, expressing love is a skill, and developing wisdom is a skill. Pursuing growth is an honorable path and these programs are helpful in that goal.

Some of the Topics covered in Classes

  • How to channel healing energies and give a healing for any issue.
  • Integration of mind, body, and spirit
  • Practitioner training in alternative healing therapies
  • Energy/chi wisdom and usage
  • Human anatomy and physiology
  • Personal development, growth, and healing
  • Balancing and maintaining the body’s nervous system
  • Stress management
  • Goal setting, practical action plans, time management, and creative manifestation
  • Universal laws of success
  • Understanding and working with the law of Cause and Effect
  • Spiritual counseling
  • Attunements for Urevia, Usui Reiki, and Karuna Reiki
  • Sacred Geometry
  • Biology, DNA, and cellular intelligence
  • Inner-child work
  • Natural health
  • Shadow and ego awareness and healing
  • Energy mechanics
  • Basic Physics – the Higgs particle
  • Developing personal power and intuition
  • Several different forms of meditation techniques
  • Integrated health techniques
  • Practitioner training in several healing modalities
  • Five stages of power
  • What love is and is not
  • Consciousness imprints
  • Male and female polarities, education, and integration
  • Levels of consciousness
  • Chakra system and levels of the aura and how they relate to healing and consciousness
  • Astral traveling and healing work
  • Crystal and stone therapy
  • Self- actualization
  • Developing a relationship with the Divine: angels, spirit guides, and so on.
  • Integration between Divine-self and human, conscious-self
  • Cosmos, the spiritual plane, life after death, spirits, etc.

And much more; please click individual links for more information.

Learning Objectives: to provide quality education for individuals seeking personal growth, healers, alternative holistic practitioners, well-ness consultants, spiritual counselors, anyone with a career in service such as psychologists, and education for students seeking his or hers highest potential.


Integrated Health Program

The Integrated Health Program (IHP) has been a wonderful gift to me. When I started this program I was in a negative place I didn’t want to be. I work in a factory that I hate and I never had any energy. Going through IHP has given me the knowledge and tools I need to start healing on an epic scale. I came to the realization that working in the factory was a way for me to heal old patterns. Every place I worked in the past had the same type of people that did the same things to rub me the wrong way. The information provided in the IHP has given me what I need to overcome these patterns. Do I like working in the factory? Not really but I choose to go in with a positive attitude everyday. I take what I have learned from this class and use it in my daily life. I am so thankful for Ken and Dana and what they do. Darlene Norman

Urevia has been such a god-send in my life. The energy has encouraged (and by encouraged, I mean “made”) me look into places of my life that needed attention and healing. While, I mainly use Urevia to work on myself – I’ve also used this energy to facilitate others – with profound results. The information that comes to me is very clear and very informative for both myself and my clients. It has helped on so many levels – I would really encourage people who are interested to check out this healing energy and start utilizing it in their own lives, you will not believe the positive impact it will have!

-Kelli Bond

Integrated Health Program

This class is so interesting – I loved the topics that were covered as well as my classmates. It offers so much in the way of information for healing self and others. One of the first topics covered in the class was the Vagus Nerve and as synchronicity works I read, heard and watched videos in the following weeks that really confirmed that it was time for me to be involved in this program. The information is timely and well-constructed; it definitely adds another dimension to your healing path. And it’s fun! What more could you ask for?


If you’d like to expand and challenge your boundaries, really examine your inner self and how it relates to the outer world, then Urevia is a good energy to work with. The process can be painful at times, yet lovingly facilitated for your long-term growth and benefit.

Fifteen years after taking the classes I find myself looking each day at how I treat others and myself and attempt to consciously bring more love into the world. Part of the teaching has been how to create a healing relationship with the Earth, and that has influenced my actions and
lifestyle. Things happen when you choose to work with this energy; it has been quite a trip.


Empowerment through Urevia

I wanted to share a story with you. Yesterday I had to go to our main hospital to take my CPR certification. I went in and took my test and the girl that was to give me the test on the dummies walked in and all of a sudden the room seemed to change some 15-20 degrees hotter, and I was on fire. I lost all train of thought and almost flunked my test, but she knew that I knew the stuff. I said I don’t know what is wrong but I am suddenly very hot. She asked if I wanted her to turn up the air, I said no that I am ok I think it is just the new energy ray I am working with. She already knew we did Reiki. She told me that she needed my “healing energies” very badly. “Duh.” The energy kicked on before I realized what was going happening because they knew that she needed and was accepting of it. When I was done with the test I offered to work on her. She had a major block in her throat (the area she requested to be worked on). I pulled some negative junk out and was at the front and back of her neck when suddenly my hand at the back of her neck started to move and vibrate, so I heard you say just to let it work. It did and then I was to do psychic surgery and pull the loosened “junk” out. I did that and felt that the block was almost gone and was guided to just energize with Urevia energy, which I did. It was so strong it was vibrating my whole body.

She needed to emotionally release and talk it out, which she did a bit with me. She said it still hurt (her throat) but that it was now dry and a little better. The block was gone. I told her she needed to work on her own healing and to start to talk about things instead of “holding her tongue” so to speak.

I told her I would send her distant healing later in the night. Well, I got busy and forgot. I woke up during the night and thought, ‘oh no, I never sent her distant healing and a little voice said that’s “OK” your intention was there and the healing is continuing so go back to sleep.’ Today she emails me at work, as we are not at the same place, and said that she wondered if I felt anything last night because there was a presence with her all night and that she started to feel better. I was so filled with love and energy when she told me this, I heard and had felt there was an angel with her all night. As I wrote, the words just poured out to her of which “they” wanted her to know. I have no idea what I said. I have done this “channeled” writing before and sometimes I am quite surprised with what I write. I try not to reread what is channeled for someone else, as it is not for me but for them.

So many people have asked this week how the class was. I say “Life changing”, “Like coming home”, “What I have been searching for 2 years now”, “loving, comforting, warming”. What more can I say. It is something that has changed my life for the better. I know that this is just the beginning of a beautiful journey with the angels. As I am writing this to you, the wind has just picked up and sounds as if someone is singing at my windows. You would not believe this wind. It has just happened since I started writing this. I hope this gets off to you.

Love, Debbie