by | Feb 1, 2025 | 0 comments

January and February have a bad reputation here in Michigan.  They are the coldest months of the year with very little sunshine. Despite the gloomy weather, I don’t want to waste a single day of my life, so I try to find the positive energy in every month.  January is still a challenge though, since it makes me think of taxes and the paperwork that comes with life. Ugh. Still, good chats with friends, filled with belly laughs, fill my spirit with light.

February gives me hope and puts a smile on my face. I know Winter’s bitter cold will soon end and Spring is around the corner.  I start to think about planting seeds, outdoor projects, and more time with the people I love.

The years pass by so quickly, especially the older one gets.  To soften the fast pace of life, I give each month a theme or a purpose just for my enjoyment and nurturing. Life is going to bring stress, so we don’t need to look for it.  Instead, I spend my time looking for the love, the light, the peace, and the joy that each month has to offer.  It keeps things in perspective and reminds me that the only real resource I have is time.

So, I bought soil mix already and created plans to spend more time with the Earth, which I love and appreciate so much. Everyone is different, but I encourage you to find your own theme of happiness and utilize the natural flow of energy that each month has to offer. The only thing you truly own, in this world, is your life and how you want to spend your time and energy.

It might be difficult to be happy every day, but you can be content every month of your precious life.

